
(20.06.2021) Twitter Threads - Chirr vs. Typefully

This was originally posted as a thread on Twitter here on 20 June 2021

I tested two great apps for writing Twitter threads.

Chirr 🔗 Website 🐦 Twitter

Typefully 🔗 Website 🐦 Twitter

Here's how their free versions compare.

Standout Feature:

Something I loved in Typefully was that the thread you're working on is highlighted in the preview pane. You can also click on any preview pane thread, and the edit pane will jump to that thread. This is such a simple idea and makes a world of difference.

Thread breaks:

Typefully - simply hit return twice. Chirr - requires [...] to recognize thread breaks.

I found Typefully way more efficient in this regard. Also, I use a German keyboard half the time, they don't have square brackets.

Free Stuff:

Chirr includes thread numbering for free. I couldn't find this in Typefully. Typefully includes post history for free, Chirr doesn't. Typefully includes image and video upload for free, Chirr doesn't.


I found Chirr to be a bit buggy here. Either I would get no response or I'd have to do something strange like backspacing to trigger the search response. Typefully's could be a bit faster, but it was clear and accurate.


I couldn't figure out how to add emojis in Chirr. In Typefully, to add an emoji, hit colon and start typing to bring up an emoji search similar to slack


Chirr's interface is more user friendly with written buttons or tooltips letting you know what they do. On Typefully I had to trial and error to figure out what the some of the buttons did.

Typefully does have more view bells and whistles like light and dark mode, and others in between.

Not Free Stuff:

To get Analytics and scheduling you'll need either Chirr's Plus plan which weighs in at a very reasonable $2.5/m, or Typefully's Pro plan at $10. Chirr also has a Pro plan with more features for $12
