

Could be a quick note of a book I’m reading, a podcast I listened to, random thoughts, explanation of a thing etc.

🖌️(10.2024) Creating an Architecture Competition with ChatGPT - The Brief💡(10.2024) - Why I’m Planning to Build a Retreat Centre Part 1 - My Exposure to Real Estate📔(09.2024) - Review PicStudio.ai📔(09.2024) - AI Master Class - Notes & Apps🐦(12.2023) - Creating Animated Motion in Procreate - Spinning Circle🐦(12.2023) - Learn to use frame counts for Glitch Art in Procreate🐦(11.2023) - Procreate Animations Frame-Layer Cheat Sheet🧵(03.2023) Glitch Art Tip: Name Your Layers! 🐦(02.2023) - Quick Tip: Deconstructing Glitches in Procreate🐦(02.2023) - Procreate Glitch Art Tip Using Animation Assist🐦(02.2023) - Quick Tip: Procreate Glitch with Animation Assist📔(03.02.22) Things To Know About Taxes & Expenses Before Investing in Real Estate in Germany 📔(02.02.22) Why You Should be Careful Assuming Metcalfe's Law can Predict Crypto Prices 📔(31.01.22) "Find Your Passion" is Stupid Advice. I Haven't Found Mine Either, and Here's Why That's OK. 📔(30.01.22) Why Dividend Growth Investing Is a Sounder Strategy Than Selling For Short Term Profit 📔(28.01.22) What Music Labels Do and How their Deals Work 📔(27.01.22) Music Revenue Streams and Understanding your Rights as a Performing Artist or Composer 📔(26.01.22) Blockchain is not just about NFT collectibles. Here's how Bitcoin changed the internet forever 📔(25.01.2022) How Algorithms are Replacing Label's Traditional Role as Gatekeepers to a Musician's Success 📔(20.01.22) The hidden cost of index rebalancing - why your stock just took a nose dive for "no reason” 📔(14.01.22) 3 Lessons to Help New Investors Avoid the Dividend Yield Trap when Investing for Long Term Income 📔(12.01.22) Jumping the Fence: A Mischievous Approach to learning Decision Analysis 📔(08.01.22) The first 5 acronyms you should understand to be a better dividend investor 📔(18.01.22) How an Introverted Insecure Product Manager can Trigger Moments of Strength to Bring their Vision to Life 📔(17.01.22) Make Better Arguments and Recognise Bad Ones from Politicians, Marketers, and Bigots by Understanding these Dishonest Tactics 📔(10.01.22) One simple habit to make you feel more awake and get better sleep 🎧(16.12.2021) The Monty Hall Problem🎧(14.12.2021) Put Options🎧(13.12.2021) Dividends🎧(10.12.2021) What is Short Selling🔗(09.11.2021) Stock Evaluation🎧(08.11.2021) What is Financial Leverage🎧(07.11.2021) What is Compound Interest📔(29.07.21) Starting, a stream of consciousness 📔(27.07.21) How to create a dynamic WhatsApp link for your Glide app 📔(4.07.21) Building a Notion Site with Fruition 📔(20.06.2021) Twitter Threads - Chirr vs. Typefully 📻(19.05.19) Spotify's Podcast Strategy📔(31.10.18) Interdivisional Incentives & Intellectual Property 📔(27.09.18) Why "Security Budget" doesn't represent Bitcoin Security