3.11.21 update: since posting, Notion has updated their API breaking this particular workflow. Please refer to the Fruition site for updated steps.
I read a twitter thread by Makadia Harsh. He mentions building a website in Notion so I thought I'd give it a try.
Makadia Harsh on Twitter
The getting started with NoCode thread
This page will self destruct on 1 July 2022
(aka. I will not renew the domain because this was a test, so when the domain expires, this page's URL will expire with it)
Anyway, I thought I'd try start at the top. His first recommendation was
Build site using Notion ⚡️Difficulty Level: 1 Understand how @NotionHQ works and try to build a site using notion. Some of the tools you can use to build a notion site. 1.fruitionsite.com 2.@super_ 3.@potion_so It is a great start to take baby steps first!
So this is me doing that with Fruition. I picked Fruition because
- It was at the top of the list
- It's free
- It includes a bit of manual work which made it more interesting.
- If you nav to Fruition site linked 👇 they provide an excellent step by step guide that I'm following right now.
Here are the steps that I took: