
(29.07.21) Starting, a stream of consciousness


What to write is always the hardest. How to come up with the idea. How do you know if it’s a good one? You don’t, just write. That’s how this sentence came to be. Just write, don’t stop, pause to think, no! Just let it flow. What do you think you wanted to write about? Movies, books, technology, business? it’s all there in your head, you just have to let it out. No filters. Period. What did I want to write about? I’m not sure. I just like I have ideas, they come in flashes then disappear. My issue is catching them before the disappear, and then letting them expand and grow, percolate, mature. What is an idea? we all have them and we all think they are so valuable or “I had that idea first”, but what does that even mean, to have an idea first? Ideas are easy. Doing something with them is the tough part. How do you test not just if your idea is a good one, but if your version, your implementation, your execution of that idea is a good one?


Read science fiction books or watch sci-fi movies and you’ll see thousands of ideas. Shoes that tie themselves in back to the future. The were there. Does that mean they had the idea first? Should the writers get the revenues from Nike when and if Nike makes self tying shoes? Flying cars and space travel and special suits that let you save your bodies water to drink again later. They don’t exist and the person who “invents” them didn’t have the idea, they just executed on it. Execution is also not a single thing. Tesla didn’t invent the electric car, the weren't the first to think of a car running on electricity. They were not even the first to build one. They were the first to successfully build and sell a good one in mass quantity. And what does “good” mean? The First Tesla was also a “good” car, but not enough people wanted it, it bankrupted the company.

What is an Idea? must it be a thing, a service a product. Are the lines all over the page where I originally wrote this an idea? Which lines? these words are also just lines on a page, but they’re in a shape that means something to people who can read English. The other lines are just lines to most people. They could be art to some, or a young man’s scribbles to someone else. What the are to you is different than what they are to me. And that’s fine. What and idea is, is different to the person who had the idea than to the person listening to them explain it, or reading it, or seeing a picture of it, or seeing it represented in paint, or using it for the first time, or the millionth time. How many ideas came together to allow me to write this here today. Or even for the first time on paper? Pens, inc, plastic, paper, binding, printing, bleaching, stickers, language, writing, psychology, philosophy, all ideas!

My point is the idea along isn't enough, although it could be everything. Take it run with it, let it bloom. Try, then try again, then again. It will happen, something, it, what you want, or at least what you need. As long as you just keep doing!
