Architecture Competition Winners! 🎉

Architecture Competition Winners! 🎉


Vittorio Ruggiero - University of Coimbra

You can view Vittorio’s full submission here

  • Largely covers the expected program of the design brief while still likely being the most economically viable of all entries;
  • Very strong concept / very interesting integration of the existing ruins; not only as a feature/landmark but also in terms of legal feasibility of the construction;
  • Mushroom-growing Station very interesting
  • Maintaining and expanding on existing building styles, in their ruin form quite creative
  • Materiality could be improved;

Hugo Manuel Valente Martins - University of Coimbra

  • Covers by and large the expected program of the design-brief - strongest entry in this regard;
  • Presentation and modelling is excellent;
  • Branding is a nice touch;
  • Elevated solution providing different perspectives to nature very interesting,
  • Overall concept comes somewhat short compared to the very strong presentation;
  • Cabin materiality rather dominant;
  • Suspended solution is beautiful, but likely cost intensive and more complex to construct

Mariana Justino Adrega - University of Lisbon

  • Covers by and large the expected program of the design-brief;
  • Modular cabin layout is interesting but the area ratios are questionable (bathroom area / total area);
  • Yoga Deck and Natural Pool are nice ideas;
  • Reasoning or “story” behind master plan layout is unclear;
  • Concept, materiality and general ambience of the proposed program could be improved