Review Potential Property (32960172)

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As we search for properties, we need to review them to confirm that they will allow for the construction of our project.

In some cases, like in the Municipality of Silves, it is easy to review a lot of information about a property online, including any protected areas, fire risk areas, etc.

In other areas, this review may require additional research and even consultation with the local government agencies.

We are therefore looking for someone to provide a preliminary review of this property to confirm that a touristic project would be possible, which kinds of tourists projects might be allowed or not allowed, and especially looking for an possible problems we might run into like natural protection areas, fire risk areas, access to water etc.

We are not expecting a formal report or document to be submitted. Findings can be shared via email and ideally a short video call (about 30 mins) to discuss the property and the research that was done.

This task it for the review of this property: Land plot for sale in Relíquias, Odemira — Land plot for sale in Relíquias, Odemira — idealista

Contact & Apply

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

If you are interested in this project, please send me an email with your proposal for the price and a very short description of what you will be doing to find the information.

You can contact me by email here:

  • email: email(at)dinocelotti(dot)com